Gospel Literature For Your Church

MGPI exists to supply Gospel Tracts to missionaries without cost to the missionary, as the Lord provides. We are able to do this through donations and by tracts that are supplied to local churches on a love offering basis. Our work is totally by faith. In addition MGPI does all the printing for MWBM, including our magazine, Focus on the Field, published twice per year. MGPI, as a nonprofit organization, does not do commercial printing.
The Printed Page
The printed page is indeed a powerful tool. If it has the right message, it will lead its reader to the truth. If not, it will lead its reader astray.
Here is what a gospel tract can do.
Is never tempted to compromise.
It is never discouraged.
It is never impatient.
It is never forced on anyone,
for it speaks only when it is read. It works by day and/or night.
It never becomes tired.
It can go where a visitor is not always welcome.
It can be read over and over.
It can be a source of comfort.
It can create an interest in the Gospel and open doors of opportunity to lead an inquirer to know and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior.
Author: The late Henry Einspruch, D.D.
Did You Know?
1. If one thousand people would each distribute just fifty tracts each week, in one year over 2,750,000 tracts would be distributed.
2. If one person would be saved for everyone thousand tracts, 2,750 souls would be won to Christ in one year.
3. Less than two minutes per day, per person, is required to distribute this many tracts.