Macedonia Gospel Publications International began in the heart of Dr. Marshall Everett, founder and chancellor of Macedonia World Baptist Missions, Inc. In 1977 the executive board of MWBM voted to purchase a small print shop to meet the printing needs of the mission board. With a small press, paper cutter, folder, and other equipment they were ready to go with one exception. They had no printer to run a printing ministry. At the same time, God laid on the heart of Bro. David Wade the burden of reaching the world for Christ through the printed page. In May of 1978 Bro. Wade came with Macedonia fulltime to begin a ministry of publishing gospel tracts to reach a world for Christ.
Thus began the ministry of MGPI. Over the years the ministry has grown to reach millions for Christ in many countries and languages. In 1994, Bro. Carl Braswell came with the Mission to be the director of the printing ministry. Bro. Richard Vance joined us in 1995 and specializes in the layout and bindery aspects of printing. Mrs. Jennifer Cudd joined us in 2005 as secretary. She also is responsible for the missionary prayer letter service, which sends out thousands of missionary prayer letters each month.
Macedonia relocated to Hoschton Georgia in 2001 and built a 5,00
0 square foot printing facility. In 2003 the Lord through His people, made it possible for us to purchase a four-color press. This press has enabled us to publish colorful gospel tracts.
Our Lord continues to bless the ministry of MGPI because He honors the publishing of His Word. The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. Psalm 68:11